Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Pampered Chef Lives Up To Warranty

This week as I was warming up my left-over Pizza Hut pizza I heard a loud cracking sound.  I thought very little about it as I thought there had been a shifting of something in the stove due to a change in temperature.

When I opened the stove, I found the Pampered Chef cooking stone which I had used many times cracked in half.  I removed the stone with pizza still in tact and opened my laptop.  While eating my pizza, I went onto the Pampered Chef website  and located their contact number.   My call was answered by a very friendly person who looked up my name and email address.  From that information she was able to see when I had bought the stone and that it was under warranty.  She then emailed me a warranty claim.  I was instructed to write the warranty claim number on the back of the broken stone and to attach the photo to the warranty claim email.  Once the email was received by Pampered Chef with documentation of the broken stone a new one was sent my way.

A big Pat on the Back to Pampered Chef for standing behind their product and making a warranty claim extremely easy.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Starbucks Doubleshot: A Headache Remedy?

Several years ago, I was in New Orleans, LA on a dreadfully hot summer day.  I had a dull headache and the heat was not making it any better.  I went into the Walgreen's on Canal Street and found a BC Powder to take for my headache.  I had found that while not a tasty remedy, BC Powder was a quick headache solution.

Looking on the back of the BC Powder at the ingredients, I found that the only two ingredients were aspirin and caffeine.  Caffeine was listed as a "pain reliever aid".   With my BC in hand I went to the refrigerated drink section of Walgreen's and spy'ed a Starbucks Doubleshot.   I had never consumed one before but if BC said caffeine would aid in pain relief then I figured a double shot of espresso wouldn't hurt.   I was all in.

I purchased the Doubleshot and consumed it's 6.5 ounces rather quickly.  Within just a matter of minutes my dull headache had subsided.  I had not even taken the BC which was my original plan.

My wife and I began to keep a four pack of Doubleshot's in our refrigerator just in case of a minor or dull headache.  The double shot of espresso mixed with cream is a good taste and will definitely take the edge off of a headache.

You will find Starbucks Doubleshot Energy drinks which I have never consumed.  They are a larger can than the smaller 6.5 ounce can and I cannot vouch for them. Go with the original Doubleshot and you will not be sorry.

By the way, you don't have to have a headache to drink one.